InternacionalAcceso estudiantes

Legal Notice

1. Identification of the website owner

Pursuant to the provisions of art. 10 of Law 34/2002, dated 11 July, on Information Society Services and eCommerce (LSSICE), notice is given that this webpage is the property of UNIVERSIDAD INTERNACIONAL DE LA RIOJA, S. A. (hereinafter, UNIR).

  • CIF: A-26430439
  • Registered office: Avda. de la Paz, 137. 26006. Logroño (La Rioja). Spain
  • Contact telephone no. 915674391/941209743
  • Email:
  • Email: Service for exercising ARCO rights:
  • UNIR is duly registered with the Companies Registry of La Rioja Vol. 666, Book 0, Folio 8, page LO-11959.

2. Access to the webpage (

Accessing the webpage constitutes acceptance of these conditions and those contained in the University’s Privacy Policy, and therefore if you are not in agreement with any of these conditions all use of this webpage must cease.

In addition, by clicking on the link below you can read the PRIVACY POLICY of UNIR.

  • Access to the webpage

Certain parts of the webpage are restricted for the sole use of students (UNIR virtual campus) by using a pre-assigned username and code when registering for their courses. Webpage users who are not registered students may access the public sections and must refrain from attempting to access the students’ virtual campus.

Users undertake to use the website in a diligent and proper manner. In this respect, they undertake not to use it:

To carry out activities which are contrary to the law, morals, decency and the Public Order, and

For illegal, prohibited purposes or those which are detrimental to the rights and interests of third parties

UNIR declines any liability arising from the user’s use of the website for such prohibited purposes.

  • Functioning and content

UNIR reserves the right to perform, without prior notice to website users, such upgrades and modifications as it considers appropriate both regarding the information contained and the page structure at any time. It may also change the conditions for accessing the portal.

Neither shall UNIR be liable for any possible communication failures and cannot guarantee the continuous functioning and availability of access to the webpage. In these cases, the University shall take all and any actions to remedy these errors as soon as possible.

UNIR informs its users that in order to view certain page contents they must have specific software to display the documents.

With regard to the students’ Virtual Campus, UNIR secures its teaching activities by means of applications designed to be used on personal computers using Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers. Although it functions almost in its entirety, the perfect operation of the Campus with other devices or browsers is not guaranteed and UNIR is working to adapt the Virtual Campus to these technologies also.

Students must have an ADSL Internet connection of at least 3MB in order to see the virtual presential classes live. Viewing these, however, is not an essential requisite for passing the subject matter in question.

When registering, students must expressly authorise UNIR to use their personal data to create an account in their name in the Office 365 tool, in order to access the services offered by the Virtual Library to produce their work or presentations using the Office package free of charge.

3 – Intellectual and industrial property

UNIR is the owner and/or licensee of all the content of this page, including images, graphic design, posts published in the blog, text, brands, logos and any type of data together with the source code, design and structure of the page.

UNIR has the exclusive on the rights to reproduce, distribute, modify and disclose same together with all the exploitation rights under any of its forms.

All the page content is protected by the law on intellectual and industrial property and its availability and use, possible consultation or downloading do not imply under any circumstance any transfer of any type of right over the intellectual or industrial property of said material or content.

No display, download or printout of the contents of the webpage will be allowed if done for advertising or commercial purposes or for their distribution, public disclosure or modification and, in general, in any case in which such acts are incompatible with the purposes of this page. In the remaining cases, prior authorisation in writing must be sought from UNIR and the source stated.

In any event, the logos, graphic design, images, icons, etc. that form part of the webpage may not be used independently of the text they accompany or the other images of designs of which they form part.

UNIR reserves the right to take legal action as appropriate against any user who infringes or violates the intellectual and industrial property rights and may seek compensation for any damages caused. Users undertake to indemnify UNIR for any damages their improper use of this website may give rise to.

All and any information that users of the webpage may provide such as suggestions, proposals, etc., shall be considered received and transferred free of charge, and therefore users are requested to refrain from sending any information not already of this nature.

4 – Liability

Both access to this website and the use made of the information contained in it are at the sole liability of the user, who expressly acknowledges that access to and the use of the portal is under their sole liability.

UNIR shall therefore not be liable under any circumstance for any possible damages that may arise from said access or use of the information by the user, neither for any possible errors or damage the user’s computer system may sustain (hardware and software), or the files or documents they have stored, as the result of a virus in their computer, malfunctioning of the browser or the use of outdated versions of same.

Pursuant to Law 34/2002 11 July on Information Society and eCommerce services, any dispute shall be subject to Spanish law. Users shall be liable for the truthfulness of the data provided and UNIR reserves the right to exclude from the services any user who has provided false or inaccurate data without detriment to any other legal actions.

5 – Participation in forums, chats, social networks and virtual communications

UNIR shall not be liable for the opinions expressed in forums, chats and other spaces of online participation. Messages published in these spaces represent solely the opinion of their authors and not that of the administrators or moderators (except in those messages published by the latter).

When registering with these spaces, users must accept not to publish any abusive, discriminatory, obscene, vulgar material or any relating to any form of violence, of a threatening nature or any which in some manner infringe the law. Users also acknowledge that UNIR shall delete, edit, move or close any message it considers inadequate or irrelevant.

6 – Forum

For any dispute arising as a result of access to or use of the portal, the webpage users and UNIR expressly waive any other forum to which they may have recourse and subject to the Courts of La Rioja.

7 – Suggestions

Any queries or suggestions may be directed to the Code of Ethics Compliance Officer at and will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

Docencia 100% online

Nuestra metodología te permite estudiar sin desplazarte mediante un modelo de aprendizaje personalizado

Clases en directo

Nuestros profesores imparten 4.000 horas de clases online a la semana. Puedes asistir en directo o verlas en otro momento

Mentor - UNIR

En UNIR nunca estarás solo. Un mentor realizará un seguimiento individualizado y te ayudará en todo lo que necesites

La fuerza que necesitas

Graduación España 2024

Graduación España 2024

Acompañamiento personalizado